Tag Archives: preschool

School Days 2018

I can’t believe that both of our little girls are in school! Miss A. is off to three-year-old Preschool and Miss V. is off to Kindergarten. It has been a big adjustment for everyone, mostly in terms of how exhausted we all are with the new schedule, but both girls are so excited and happy to be in school– no tears over here! Well, at least from them, that is 😉 Both of our kids are incredibly social and they have enjoyed meeting new friends! Each of the girls and I celebrated their first day of school with a visit to our favourite market for a bag of candy… naturally.  Continue Reading

Back to School: Kindergarten Ready!

Kindergarten List

I cannot believe my first baby will be heading off to Kindergarten this year! I have a five year old? I’m in total disbelief. Miss V on the other hand is so ready for Kindergarten. She’s been writing notes for her teacher and putting them into her back pack all week. The cutest.  This is a list of our top five kindergarten must-haves! Read on if you’re getting ready for back to school and needs some tried and tested products! Continue Reading

Spring Preschool Party Snacks

Spring Snacks Ladybugs

Spring is here! And that, my friends, is worth celebrating! My oldest daughter is in preschool, and a few times a year they have a celebration and shared snack at school. Last week they had a Spring party and I couldn’t resist these sweet little lady bug pretzels! We usually stick to healthy snacks, but Vienna loves lady bugs and the colour red, so I knew she’d be especially excited to share these with her friends! These would also work great for a Valentine’s party, too!

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Little Library: Valentine’s Books for Preschoolers

Valentines Books to read with preschoolers

Happy February– the month for all things love and kindness! Our first Valentine’s Day Little Library book round-up is for the preschoolers! These books have heartfelt messages, beautiful illustrations, and a few familiar faces from book series that this age group loves to read! We are always encouraging our kids to be kind, and it’s wonderful to read these thoughtful stories together that encourage kindness. We hope you LOVE these as much as we do! Happy Valentine’s Day! xo

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Little Library: Christmas Stories for Kids

Round two of our Christmas Little Readers’ list includes books perfect for your preschooler, or kids aged 4-7! Vienna loves Christmas stories, and I love finding new books with meaningful messages for her collection. We save these longer books for when baby sis is in bed and it’s such a nice thing to cozy up and do together, especially during the busy holiday season. For books perfect for younger babies, check out our Baby’s First Christmas Library!

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Little Readers: Halloween BOOks for Babes

Happy Halloween! One of my fave ways to celebrate holidays– any and all holidays, that is– is with festive books! Here are five of our fave Halloween themed books this year. Our story time includes books for both of our girls’ ages (2 &4) : we all usually read a few books together before Aria goes to bed, rhyming board books are her jam, (and V knows most of the baby books by memory now, so sometimes she reads!) and then Vienna and I spend some time reading books with a bit more of a story line. And that Little Blue Truck? Always a hit with both kids 😉

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Back to School

September is here and Fall routines have begun! I say that with an exclamation mark because although I love summer, something about the slightly cooler Fall weather and all the energy to be organized for Fall makes me so happy. Don’t worry, it wears off in about a month 😉 And in other good news, my husband is home a lot more as our seasonal business slows down, which is a welcomed change after a summer of me and the girls.

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Preschool for V!

It’s back to school week and I can’t believe Miss V started Preschool this week! V doesn’t turn 3 until October, so it seems so young (well really, it is, isn’t it?!). She has been so excited about school, mostly because of her older buddies (she calls it ‘Isla school’ after her friend Isla, who went there last year). It’s the sweetest little school and V came out beaming today that she made new friends! Emphasis on new– I think perhaps she expected Isla to be there 😉 I’m curious as to whether her going to preschool will result in a more detailed/accurate game of “school”, which she always wants to play. One can hope– right now I spend an awful lot of time being a teacher at the whim of a bossy student.

Vienna picked out her own outfit out at the mall with me yesterday– adorable! It turns out if you wait for the week of back to school to hit the mall, you run a high risk of ending up with nothing at all or a very Christmas-appropriate dress. Luckily V set her eye on this right away, I think because she was excited to pick something out….or maybe because she wanted to go and get a bouncy ball, haha.

I asked V a few questions to get a snapshot of what she’s like these days. So cute!

  • How old are you? Two and a half
  • What is your favourite food? Chocolate!
  • What is your favourite toy? Elsa
  • What do you like to do for fun? Books
  • What is your favourite colour? Yellow
  • What do you love the most? YOU! (And jumps at me with open arms, going straight for Mama’s heart this girl)
  • Where is your favourite place to go? School
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? I going to drive one of Daddy’s boats! A little boat.

V isn’t really in to sitting still for pictures, so this mostly involved her pulling leaves and flowers off the trees and plants and me attempting to persuade/threaten her for a nice picture (our neighbours probably think I’m crazy). The expressions here are oh-so Vienna. This makes me laugh as I can’t imagine my Mom ever making this big of an ordeal out of three year old preschool. I blame Pinterest and Instagram.

In any case, happy first day of preschool, sweet girl!
V’s outfit: Shirt, Denim Jumper Dress and Backpack (last year)- The Gap; Riding Boots– Gymboree

