Spring Preschool Party Snacks

Spring Snacks Ladybugs

Spring is here! And that, my friends, is worth celebrating! My oldest daughter is in preschool, and a few times a year they have a celebration and shared snack at school. Last week they had a Spring party and I couldn’t resist these sweet little lady bug pretzels!ย We usually stick to healthy snacks, but Vienna loves lady bugs and the colour red, so I knew she’d be especially excited to share these with her friends! These would also work great for a Valentine’s party, too!

Did I mention this pretty little snack is simple? So simple. As a working Mama I’ll always share a snack that looks great and is easy to prep! #momwin I didn’t intend to share these, but I received so many questions and comments on Instagram I had to put together a little post. So forgive me for the slightly messy chocolate, I *may* have been making these at 11 pm. ๐Ÿ˜‰ย  Scroll down for the recipe! If you are looking for another fun Spring party snack be sure to check out these adorable Soccer Cupcakes!

 Ladybug party snacks


How to Make Ladybug Pretzel Snacks

You Need


  • Lay the pretzels on a cutting board covered in parchment paper**
  • Set aside 16 candy melts (or # equal to the desired total number of lady bugs)
  • Melt the remaining red candy melts, stiring frequently
  • Using a teaspoon, spoon melted red chocolate onto each pretzel, carefully smoothing it with the back side of the spoon. I used a couple of teaspoons per pretzel you essentially want to fill up the pretzel “holes” with the chocolate).
  • Let pretzels sit and dry for approximately 20 minutes or until chocolate is hardened
  • Using a writing tip, apply black icing dots on the lady bug
  • Melt a small amount of dark or milk chocolate
  • Individually dip remaining candy melts into melted chocolate until fully coated in brown and immediately place onto each lady bug body (as the head). ***ย Make sure to apply it at the single rounded side of the pretzel (i.e. not the two loop side, which will be the wings).
  • Carefully apply eyes to each head while chocolate is still wet
  • Let dry until ready to serve!

Easy peasy! I hope you enjoy these adorable snacks as much as we do! xo

Tips & Tricks!

  • *I prefer buying pre-made decorator icing in a package that you can just add a decorating tip on- easier and no mess!
  • **Using parchment paper is essential to avoid a huge mess and broken lady bugs (take my word for it…)
  • *** You could also use any round chocolate candy. Don’t forget you will need some sort of icing to attach the head to the body and the eyes to the head if you go this route.
Mama Writes


    1. Don’t worry these are SO easy! This pics for this post definitely weren’t staged, and I had put these together quite quickly! Thanks for stopping by! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yes!!! Easy to make and great presentation always a win in our house ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for checking them out!

  1. What a great idea. I absolutely love it. I will do that with my kids. Such a fun way to celebrate spring!

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