Looking for some fun, family-friendly New Year’s activities in Kelowna? Check out our quick guide to ring in 2020 with your little ones in Kelowna!
Okanagan Family New Year’s Eve 2019

With Christmas just one week away, we are about to be overwhelmed with more stuff. Over the past few years we have scaled down on how much we buy and are very mindful of what we buy. But, there is still an inevitable influx of toys, especially around the holidays. Two years ago I created a playroom for my girls, which turned out wonderful. But, many other toys– especially art supplies and games– were spread throughout our home, causing chaos.
Last year our family had some big changes– our third baby arrived!– and we hired Corey from Organize My Space. I was drowning in too much stuff and had too little time, and Corey helped me get organized. I know many Moms are overwhelmed by toys … so Corey and I worked together to bring this toy organization post to you, to help you get organized, too!
It’s no secret we love holiday books– we have a collection for each holiday of the year! Our Christmas collection has grown so large that I put together a Christmas book advent calendar! Below are 24 of our favourite Christmas books that are perfect for counting down to Christmas with children. Opening one book each day makes for a very special Christmas story time all December long.