Tag Archives: routine

Family Mudroom Organization

Mudroom Design

Back to School is almost here (I said it!) and an organized mudroom is essential for a smooth daily routine in our family. We worked with STOR-X Kelowna to design and install a custom mudroom for our family of five. Today I’m sharing our design tips and tricks to create a functional and organized family mudroom!

This post was created in partnership with STOR-X Kelowna all opinions shared are my own.

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Wellness Nutrition for Busy Mamas

As a busy Mom of three little kids, fast and good nutrition is key to my wellness routine. Today I’m sharing my go-to nutritional products that I have used for ten years. TEN. A whole decade of using Isagenix every dang day! I bring it on vacation, to work, and I even brought it to the hospital when I had my babies! Here are my favourite products. If you have any questions, please reach out!

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School Days 2019

It’s that time of year again: the end of a schedule-free summer and time to dust off the blog and share our annual back to school update! This year has been a big change for us as we welcomed baby Rowen to the family in July. Needless to say September has been met as a welcomed change with the promise of routines and a little more structure after our big adjustment to a new baby at home. Both girls were very excited to head back to school and see all of their friends and start their fall activities. We can’t wait to see how much they learn and grow this next year! Continue Reading

Not Another Manic Morning

I love me a slow Sunday morning. Staying in pjs, sipping coffee, and taking my sweet time to get the day started. I mean, that is until the kids start fighting 😉 Nonetheless, maybe it’s Sunday’s fault that Monday mornings get such a bad rap. Monday can feel like a hard shift back to reality, but, a few simple changes to your morning routine can start your week off on a positive note.

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