Summertime and the livin’ is easy. Words to live by, friends. Can you believe summer is halfway over? Before we know it the kids will be back to school and fall routine will return. So how can we lavish in what remains of summer break? We’re amidst a serious heat wave in the Okanagan, which means doing a bit less and relaxing a bit more. Here are five simple ways to kick back, relax, and enjoy this hot summer weather!
- Get up early: With temperatures hitting 25 degrees (77 Fahrenheit!) by 8 am, the best way to enjoy the fresh air is early in the morning. I love waking up and taking our dog for a walk before it gets too hot out. Spending time outdoors always leaves me feeling refreshed and happy. Don’t skip out on your exercise on account of the hot temps- get up early and GO!
- Bring the outdoors in: Fresh wild flowers or a bunch of lavender will set uplifting, relaxing vibes in your home. We love getting fresh local flowers from the Kelowna Farmer’s Market every Saturday. Urban Fare Kelowna also carries a great selection, and local company Passionate Blooms offers amazing workshops to help you arrange like a pro! The abundance of fresh flowers is one of my favourite things about summer.
- Easy eats: Make meal time easy (and delicious) with a fresh, local produce. My kids are so not into dinner these days. Can you relate? It’s too hot to eat, (or cook!) I’m keeping the kids nourished with simple meals: smoothies on repeat, fresh fruit, meat and veggie trays, hummus, and local produce! I may be taking inspiration from local winery charcuterie boards. Don’t judge.
- Keep it simple: While it can be tempting to do all the things in the summer, it can also amount to driving around in a hot car with sweaty, fussy kids. Save day trips for early morning or late evening to avoid the afternoon sun. And sometimes, keeping it simple is best! My girls are loving: all the sidewalk chalk and bubbles, playing in the water table (or a bucket of water and cups!), running through the sprinkler, setting up a lemonade stand, and exploring nature and bringing our finds back home for easy crafts.
- Unplug: While summer seems like a good time to catch up on technology, it’s good to take a break, too. Connect with friends, play in the sand or water with your kiddos, read a book on your list, and just be.
Not featured on this, but equally crucial, is endless amounts of iced coffee. Happy summer! xo
Mama Writes
Love these tips!
Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed them!
I was just saying how I feel that this summer has flown. Love your suggestions, am going to buy lavender tomorrow!
It always seems to go so fast! Enjoy that lavender, it’s such a refreshing scent for this time of year!
I can’t believe we are halfway through summer! It makes me a bit sad, but your list has cheered me up. There’s a lot still to enjoy!
Summer always seems to fly by! Enjoy this next month, and thanks for reading!xo
I need to start getting up early to get in the habit before school starts. Great tips!
Love this tips! I’m going on holiday soon so I’ll make sure to add some to my routine
These are really great habits to get the most out of summer! Thank you for the reminder
Thanks Paula! Enjoy the rest of summer!
Oh, wow. What great ideas to hang on to the very last days of summer!
Yes! #longlivesummer is our motto these days! 🙂
Summer always flies way too fast! Love your ideas, especially iced coffee, fresh flowers, easy food–charcuterie boards! We need to seize and enjoy each moment. Enjoy!!
Thanks Julie! I feel like I could live off iced coffee and charcueterie boards, LOL!
I try to get outside but during the day it’s so hot and my allergies suck. Then at night, it’s the bugs. I’m more of a Fall girl.
Fall is my favourite season! Luckily we have cooler mornings and evenings (and not many bugs!) to still get outdoors!
These are such great tips, and I totally agree with all of them! I love summer mornings and light no fuss dinners as well 🙂
Thanks for reading Dawn! No fuss dinners are everything! Happy summer!
I’m totally on board with all of these tips! Getting up early is the only way to do anything in the middle of summer.
Right? It’s so hot otherwise! Early mornings are so peaceful, too!
I love taking more time off in the summer – away from screens! It’s nice to connect with nature and have lots of family adventures!
Yes! I completely agree! Our family loves all the adventures, big and small!
Getting up early to take the most advantage of the day is the best advice. Even though it may be hard some mornings, I definitely feel better when I wake up before my kids do.
Me too! And I agree, some days are harder than others!
Smoothies have been a go-to for me this summer! My daily green smoothie is a go-to all year long, but it’s even better with fresh kale and spinach from the garden in the summer. And there’s nothing more refreshing than a cold smoothie on a hot summer day!