My Month: March Faves

Anyone else feel like they’ve survived the longest winter ever and SO incredibly eager for Spring to arrive? (Me: raises hand). We’re well into spring break and the longer days have us itching to get outside, clean out alllll the stuff, and start a fresh new season.

I’ve teamed up with my lovely friend and fellow Lifestyle and Motherhood Blogger, Amanda, over at Sweet Peas and Dust Bunnies to bring a fun monthly recap. Whether it is a list of favourite things, a quick reflection post, or advice and tips, it will be things that we personally love or are inspired by each month. Be sure to follow along at #motherhoodmonthlyfaves to see what we’re up to!

To kick things off for March, I’m sharing my favourite spring inspired things from this month.

Spring Recipe

I love to bake, especially with my girls! We have a learning tower, and it’s a handy (and safe!) way for them to join me in the kitchen. Vienna often asks to bake with me and it always makes for great bonding time. This month we have been hosting lots of brunches (dinner time is our worst hosting hour, EVER) and we’ve been making muffins on repeat. Turns out brunch is filled with our fave foods and best moods anyways! 😉

At the end of summer each year we stock up on boxes of local blueberries from the farmer’s market that just happen to freeze perfectly. This blueberry muffin recipe has been a long time favourite and those pretty little blueberries on top scream Spring!

Blueberry Muffins

Spring Inspiration

I’m a list maker at heart and was inspired to pick up the 52 Lists for Happiness: Weekly Journaling Inspiration for Positivity, Balance, and Joy. Let’s face it, life can get busy, and I love a little help to keep me on track. (Not to mention how gorgeous is that cover?) even if I didn’t like the book I’d use it as spring decor! I’ve kept a gratitude journal for a while, but am guilty of not finding time to fit it in. I love self reflection and investment this book encourages me to do it regularly. Check out That’s What She Read for more book recommendations!

Spring Activity

Get Outside! Longer days allow for after-dinner walks and a little fresh air is good for everyone, especially before bedtime. Even if they do fill their boots with puddle water and complain the whole walk home 😉 We are blessed to live in a beautiful place and family walks are one of my favourite things. We have a farm and a pond just down the road and the girls love to visit, especially when the new calves and ducklings arrive! The mucky spring weather forces us to not take a stroller, which is such a good way to get the kids active, although we do have to pack the littlest one at least half of the way.

Family Spring Walk

I hope you find some inspiration to welcome a fresh new season! Now pop on over to Sweet Peas and Dust Bunnies blog to check out her March Faves! Amanda is Mom to two adorable boys, a teacher, and a photographer living in Alberta Canada. Between her amazing décor style and her beautiful photographs, I know you’ll find some inspiration over on her site too!

Happy Spring! xo

Mama Writes


  1. I love blueberry muffins in the warmer months! We would always pick them as a family and then use them in every recipe we could think of!

    1. It’s the simple things! Just some puddles and boots, and exploring on a nature trail, and they are happy!

  2. Those muffins look so good!! I’ve been craving comfort food like crazy lately!! Ready for some warmer weather!

  3. I can never turn down a good blueberry muffin! And although I was bummed about the lack of snow we got this year, I am definitely ready to not wear a winter jacket anymore.

    1. Lack of snow? I’m envious! We had it non stop and it wasn’t much better, lol. Blueberry muffins are one of my faves too!

  4. Love all of this Raina,
    First of all I’m actually going to order that book! It sounds right up my alley, thanks for the recommendation. I’m so jealous of your weather, we still aren’t able to go for after dinner walks or splash in the puddles. Hoping all that comes soon for us so we can get the heck outside and play.

    1. I’m hoping you get some sunshine soon too Amanda! We are full on spring this week and loving it! Hope you enjoy the book!

  5. Those muffins looked delicious!!! Spring is probably my all time favorite season! It’s warm, the flowers are blooming, it’s just gorgeous!

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