Tag Archives: work

Not Another Manic Morning

I love me a slow Sunday morning. Staying in pjs, sipping coffee, and taking my sweet time to get the day started. I mean, that is until the kids start fighting 😉 Nonetheless, maybe it’s Sunday’s fault that Monday mornings get such a bad rap. Monday can feel like a hard shift back to reality, but, a few simple changes to your morning routine can start your week off on a positive note.

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Hustle, Mama

H U S T L E Truth: I love to do all the things. It's who I am. In my bio, you'll learn that this has been true from a very young age. Sometimes I wonder if it's normal to think nearly everything can be a made into a job I'd love to have. It's actually probably a very good thing (and comforting to my husband) to know that I cannot for the life of me sew-- ya'all know I'd be madly making children's clothes and bows if I could but I'll leave that to the professional Mamas out there. In writing this post I  looked up the term hustle, just to set things straight. Hustle the verb by definition means to move quickly or hurriedly, whereas urban dictionary defines hustle as working towards a goal (often in the pursuit of money). Being rushed vs. chasing your dreams. Got it. Do you ever feel the intense pressure lately to be more, have more, do more, GO more? Me too, friend. Social media can be a bitch I tell ya. If you're nodding in agreement, have you ever paused in one of these self-worth, comparison kind of moments and considered if that is really for you?  Because that's what matters most. And while things might look and seem spectacular from the outsider's perspective, if you are chasing someone else's passion you are going to run your ass off for something that won't pan out the same for you, because it is not yours. Being present and slowing down is good. SO good. For your soul, your heart, and your head. And in that, you'll find your own hustle. Your passion to work for. Your alignment. The things that make you WANT to Hustle, in the verb sense. I'm all for the hustle, on your terms, for your passions. My hustle is raising my girls-- to be thoughtful, kind, and amazing people-- while pursuing my personal passions, from my career, to blogging, to health and wellness. I enjoy all of these things. Lately, it seems its pretty easy to get caught up in keepin' up. Hustling for someone else's take on life. But their hustle doesn't have to be your hustle. YOU DO YOU.  Maybe you do a lot, maybe you do a little. Maybe you work from home. Maybe you work out of your home. Maybe you cook. Maybe you don't. Maybe you are creative. Maybe you are athletic. Maybe you love politics, or wellness, or style and beauty. Maybe you love all of these things. Maybe you do some of them. Find your passion. Make that your ow

Truth: I love to do all the things. It’s who I am. You can find me pursuing many side hustles daily. In my bio, you’ll learn that this has been true from a very young age. Sometimes I wonder if it’s normal to think nearly everything can be a made into a job I’d love to have. It’s probably a very good thing (and comforting to my husband) to know that I cannot for the life of me sew– ya’all know I’d be madly making children’s clothes and bows if I could.

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