Tag Archives: mom hacks

Wellness Nutrition for Busy Mamas

As a busy Mom of three little kids, fast and good nutrition is key to my wellness routine. Today I’m sharing my go-to nutritional products that I have used for ten years. TEN. A whole decade of using Isagenix every dang day! I bring it on vacation, to work, and I even brought it to the hospital when I had my babies! Here are my favourite products. If you have any questions, please reach out!

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5 Free & Simple Outdoor Activities for Kids

Outdoor activities for kids

In this post I’m sharing 5 simple and free ways to enjoy some time outside with (or without, if you need a break 😉 ) your kids! These are SIMPLE & FREE outdoor activities– I’m sparing you the costly supplies and extravagant planning. You can do these with the things you already have at home. There are a million extravagant, creative ideas for kids activities, but sometimes it’s nice to keep it simple and not buy more things.

Anyone reading this will know that we are faced with a world-wide pandemic at the moment. In our City, Province, and Country, we are in a time of social distancing. What this looks like is our immediate family spending everyday together and seeing no one else. BUT, we are blessed to live in a beautiful place, and enjoying the outdoors never seemed incredible, really.

I hope you and your family enjoy these free outdoor activities!
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