Tag Archives: happiness

A Year in Review with Chatbooks

Chatbooks Gifts

With Christmas upon us, and New Years just around the corner, it seems another year has flown by. Time is a funny thing with kids– the pace increases, yet reflecting back so much has happened in a seemingly “short” time. What they say is true, the days are long but the years are short.

Each year I look back on all of our memories and milestones while creating an annual Chatbook for each of the girls. These books capture everything from the big moments–birthdays, celebrations, and events, to the the little ones– breakfasts, slow days at home, or time passed at the park– and everything in between.  Continue Reading

Parenting Books For Connection, Love, & Presence

Parenting Book Guide

With Fall just around the corner, the thought of busy schedules is lurking. Paired with an ever increasing amount of stuff and demands, no wonder we can become overwhelmed. This list of parenting books shares the common theme of connection. From being present, to simplifying, to focusing on love and togetherness, these inspiring reads shine light on the idea that sometimes less is more.

I hope you find some inspiration and helpful strategies for enjoying time together and parenting with love!

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